Identical ends are not required for the equal encapsidation of plus- and minus-strand parvovirus LuIII DNA.


Sequence analyses of the left and right termini of LuIII virus show they are nonidentical imperfect palindromes of 122 and 211 nucleotides, respectively. The left terminus of the minus strand of LuIII DNA, uniquely in the flip conformation, can assume a T-shaped structure. The right terminus of the minus strand of LuIII DNA can assume a U-shaped structure, and it exists in either the flip or flop conformation. The termini of LuIII shared a high degree of sequence homology and showed conserved secondary structure with those of the rodent parvoviruses MVMp and H-1. LuIII, like adeno-associated virus, encapsidates equal amounts of plus- and minus-strand DNA. However, the sequence data for LuIII virus demonstrate that identical termini are not required for this encapsidation pattern.

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