The present work has as theme the professional identity of the college entrance exam preparatory course teacher. Its main goal is to distinguish this teacher who teaches classes in a informal type of school and also has brought great benefits to those seeking to attend higher education. The themes social relevance lies in the fact that, even though acting in an informal teaching setting, this teacher is someone who interacts with hundreds of high school graduate students who seek, in these prep courses, for help to be successful in the college entrance exams conducted by Higher Education Institutions. The understanding of how the prep course teacher identity n built on, using the relationships with students, school management and peers as reference, becomes the problem of this investigation which has demanded the establishment of the following goals: to study the teachers scope and limitations as an education professional; to understand the development of the Brazilian high school system in its relation to higher education and the current context of entering this level of education and to know the prep course teachers features. To study the identity, the research used the contributions of Berger and Luckmann (1978), Hall (1982), Mendonça (1994), Silva (2000) and Woodward (2000). To investigate the education professionals identity, the most important references were the researches of Enguita (1991), Nóvoa (1991), Carrolo (1997), Brzezinski (2002), Gómez (2000) and Tardif (2002). In order to reconstitute the history of the high school systems objectives and the entering mechanisms method to higher education, it was used mainly the studies of Chagas (1984), Strehl and Fantin (1994), Cury (2002), Kuenzer (2002) and Abramovai e Castro (2003). The dialectical materialism method was adopted in the course of this investigation. From the object approach standpoint, the present research is qualitative. A bibliographical research was conducted and a case study wad developed. The categories in which this work was based on were: identity and education professionals identity. As data collecting procedures, this work has prepared and used prestructured interviews with students, teachers and also with the principal of Garra Prep School, chosen as sample. Through the theoretical references and group interviews, it is possible to conclude that this Prep School is one of the several spaces in which professional identities are built. The students and teachers movement searching for adequate training and, therefore, professionalization. The prep school teacher has been facing a proletarianization process which is evidenced by the mechanism of this functions; however, he has his own identity and he is an education professional.


teacher identidade professionalization professional vestibular cursinho identity college entrance exam prep school professor profissionalização educacao profissional college entrance exam

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