Identification of nucleotide preferences in DNA sequences recognised specifically by c-Ets-1 protein.


The protooncogene Ets-1 is a member of the c-Ets family of genes originally identified through their sequence homology to the v-ets gene of the avian erythroblastosis virus E26. Ets-like factors are characterised by a conserved 85 amino acid domain which appears to be essential for binding to purine rich DNA sequences. Sequences binding to Ets-1 were selected from a random oligonucleotide pool by immunoprecipitation and amplified using the Polymerase Chain Reaction. Oligonucleotides enriched by this procedure were cloned in plasmids and sequenced. Alignment of DNA sequences revealed GGAA and GGAT cores at about a 1.4:1 ratio. Preferred sequences were identified both 5' and 3' of the GGAW core, extending the binding site to ACMGGAWRTT. Analysis of the flanking sequences associated with GGAA and GGAT cores revealed differences which may have compensated for the generally lower affinity of binding sites containing a GGAT core. Lastly mutational analysis of one particular Ets-1 binding site was used to establish the relative importance for binding of some nucleotides within the core and to show that Ets-1 and the closely related Ets-2 proteins bind to similar sequences.

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