Impactos da adoção de um modelo de gestão empreendedora nos processos de aprendizagem : estudo de caso em organização hospitalar de Curitiba




This single case study in a centenarian hospital for mental health disorders care analyzes the adoption of an entrepreneur management model and its impacts in the organizational learning processes. The primary data were collected in semi-structured interviews with the managers of the focused organization, its original founder and the present controller. Structured questionnaires were also applied among the professionals to raise further information. The aim was to identify the previous management model, the characteristics of the adopted one, as well as the organizational learning processes in the old model and those introduced after organizational change. The data analysis was based on qualitative and quantitative contents analysis. The secondary data were treated by the documental and bibliographical analysis technique. The data triangulation evidenced that the adopted management model enabled the organization to innovate the managerial and the psychiatric care practices, introducing the professional administration; the strategic planning; the change of the clinical model from asylum to one opened and reintegrative, based on ambulatory care, therapeutical workshops and partial hospitalization; introduction of the business units by specialized processes; multiprofessional teams with interdisciplinary approach; adoption of the total quality management program; and the management of competencies, based in continuous education and practices of organizational learning. The transformation process did not reach complete success because of the lack in the implementation of the strategic project. The impacts in the organizational learning processes were incomplete because of the restrict educational perspective based on training instead of creating a pedagogical project on learning organization linked to the entrepreneur management model and based on teams.


administracao hospitais - administração gestão do conhecimento aprendizagem organizacional desenvolvimento organizacional

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