Implantação da piscicultura familiar com pescadores e agricultores assentados no Município de Lucena-PB




Fishing is a very important activity for the provision of protein, but as a result of the heavy pressure from extractive fishing and above the limits of carrying capacity of populations of commercial species, many stocks are at or above the limit of exploration, which has resulted in decreased populations of many animals, including driving some to extinction. As a result, aquaculture has increased worldwide, complementing the fisheries to obtain quality protein. By the increasing investment in this activity, it became one of the fastest growing economic activities worldwide, nowadays. Brazil is no different, and aquaculture has been growing over the years, and most fish cultures are being developed in freshwater ecosystems, and the crustacean culture in estuarine ecosystems. However, if this activity is not performed properly, can be quite impactant to natural ecosystems, as a result of the addition of nutrients, leading to eutrophication. In addition, breeding has been mostly with exotic species, which when they arrive in the natural habitat suppress native species, leading to the decreasing in local biodiversity. Antibiotics and other crops and products placed in the diets also end up interfering with the water quality of natural systems. Therefore, it is important that aquaculture should be promoted, as a promising economic activity, with capacity for growth in Brazil, and if it is practiced at the household level could contribute to the economic growth of traditional communities or poor ones, thus contributing to the local sustainable development. Thus, the aim of this thesis was to implement a training course for fishermen of Lucena and Fagundes beaches and farmers living in three settlements in Lucena municipality, so that they could further develop this activity in a sustainable manner. For that, ecological methods, such as horticultural waste recovery and preparation of alternative feeds for the reduction of production costs, were applied. The whole process was conducted in the form of action research among researchers and participants in the extension project PROEXT 2008, funded by the MEC / SESU. The course showed how to cultivate two fish species, carp and Nile tilapia, in a polyculture system. The results of this activity were very promising, the participants enjoyed the experience and showed interest in continuing by their own later. All the course members made all the activities, from the excavation of ponds until removal of the fishes. This study had shown that they can work successfully in teams, which they did not believe at first. The performance of the fish along the cultivation revealed that the alternative diet promoted a better growth performance of carp development, but a lower growth in tilapia. The nutrient analysis of the two diets, commercial and alternative, showed that the protein content was higher in commercial feed, which may have caused the difference in tilapia growth. Moreover, the economic analysis of cultivation with the two diets showed that the profit was very similar in the two analyzed ponds, due the lower feed cost of the alternative ration. The course has proved a success, and the participants learned to practice the procedures for aquaculture, being able to play all the activities learned and can thus diversify production on the properties and the fishermen, if they get a local for cultivation, depend less on fish stocks, thus ensuring greater security for their maintenance and cause a less pressure over species in the environment, allowing them to recover.


extensão universitária piscicultura familiar produção de ração alternativa análise bromatológica geociencias household aquiculture university extension alternative feed production nutrient analysis

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