Inclusão de pessoas com deficiência em espaços não formais de educação: um estudo dos Centros para Crianças e Adolescentes / Inclusion of children and adolescents with deficiency in not formal spaces of education: a study of the Centers for Children and Adolescents.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This qualitative approach research had for objective to investigate as the Centers for Children and Adolescents (CCAs) are treating the subject on the inclusion of the public with deficiency in their spaces. In their actions, the not formal education appears as educational perspective underlying to the social protection actions, seeking to the promotion of the development of social, cognitive and affectionate competences, marked by inclusion values and social protagonism, complementing, like this, the school education process in an enlarged concept of education. In that logic, CCAs can be considered potentially qualified as institutions capable to develop social-educational actions with children and adolescents with deficiency, besides in complementarity to the school education, indicating opportunities so that the approach of the deficiency is contemplated and rebuilt in both spaces. The methodological procedures for the data collection were: semi-structured interviews with twelve professionals of three CCAs elected as research field, analysis of documents and participant observation; besides, the analysis of the data interviews based on the content analysis. This research revealed that the professionals\ conception concerning the work that they develop is accompanying the displacement from the assistential axis to the social-educational axis of the actions, in consonance with the new model of performance proposed by the effective social welfare politics. However, some practical inconsistencies were identified in what concerns to the educational task of those services and the complementarity idea between CCAs and schools, formal and not formal education and inter-sectorial actions, so much for the public with as without deficiency. It was identified an incipient gradual progress in the extent of the Municipal General Office of Social Welfare, when indicating the inclusion of public with deficiency in CCAs, however without the correspondence of adoption of technical attendance measures close to the services so that it is implemented under inclusive bases. In compensation, CCAs recognize the importance and exhibit predisposition to undertake such action, but they present discursive and practical fragility, starting from very diffuse and partial conceptions that they have on the inclusion and deficiency themes, evidencing the need of technical and formative support to their professionals.


children and adolescents crianças e adolescentes deficiência deficiency educação não formal inclusão inclusion not formal education

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