Incompatibility Exhibited by Colicin Plasmids E1, E2, and E3 in Escherichia coli


Escherichia coli strains were made multiply colicinogenic for the colicin plasmids E1, E2, or E3 (Col E1, Col E2, or Col E3, respectively) by both a deoxyribonucleic acid transformation system and bacterial conjugation. The multiply colicinogenic bacteria constructed exhibited an immunity to the colicins produced by all the plasmids they carried and also produced colicins corresponding to all the plasmids they carried. An incompatibility was observed among the plasmids. In doubly colicinogenic cells where the presence of two plasmids was established, Col E2 was lost more frequently than Col E3. In triply colicinogenic cells, Col E1, Col E2, and Col E3 were lost, with Col E3 being lost least frequently. A significant reduction in the acquisition of a conjugationally transferred Col E1 plasmid by cells colicinogenic for Col E1 was demonstrated.

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