Indicadores de saude em mulheres acima de 50 anos de idade participantes de um programa de atividades fisicas no complexo da Mare-RJ / Health indicators for women older than 50 years of age participating in a program of physical activity at the Mare community in RJ




This essay was developed in the city of Rio de Janeiro-RJ at the Maré Shanty Community, Leopoldina region, aiming to implement a health program, not as welfare work, for elderly people running high social risk. The indicators were evaluated in respect to physical fitness in women 50 or more years old participating in the project ?Mare Good Morning Walk?, carried out at the Mare Vila Olimpica. One hundred and forty four volunteers were evaluated in a descriptive observational transversal study. The health variables investigated were: circumstantial arterial pressure, weight, height, corporal mass index, functional independence and flexibility. Regardless of the Mare Community?s size, only seven communities participated in the study, as many people there are afraid to pass through certain areas. As criterion to be included in the sample, PAR-Q was used, where participants in the study were the ones who had submitted more than one affirmative answer. High prevalence of obesity (46.7%), abdominal adiposity (91.2%) and circumstantial arterial hypertension (63.4%) was identified demonstrating the high cardiac risk found in the group. When evaluating functional independence it was verified that the older they were the higher their corporal imbalance was; and that it becomes more difficult to get up than to sit down during the execution of the test. This motion gesture has great relevancy in functional independence as it affects daily life activities. In terms of flexibility, the indexes obtained were low, evidencing little conditioning in this value. It was concluded that there are women at Mare with obesity problems and that this health deficiency does not have a social connotation that is, it reaches all social levels. Circumstantial arterial hypertension found may be related to the health aspect, but it is fundamentally affected by conflicting environmental conditions in areas of social risk. It is recommended that programs such as this be implemented in communities with the same characteristics, and that people with these issues have the opportunity to start physical activities oriented to health, with the objective to reduce the level of sedentariness of middle-age women in Brazil


indicadores de saude sistema cardiovascular - doenças physical activity women antropometria exercicios fisicos avaliação de riscos de saude mulheres - condições sociais mulheres - condições economicas health indicators

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