Indirect choroidal ruptures: aetiological factors, patterns of ocular damage, and final visual outcome.


Indirect choroidal ruptures result from blunt ocular trauma and have a pathognomonic fundal appearance. We analysed a group of 30 patients with indirect choroidal ruptures with specific reference to the circumstances of the injury, the pattern of ocular damage, the cause of any visual loss, and the final visual outcome. Using this analysis we deduce a pathogenetic explanation for the characteristic fundus signs in patients with indirect choroidal ruptures. The majority of cases were young males injured during sport or by an assault, a minority were injured at work. Diffuse nonfocal impact injuries due to punches were associated with ruptures concentric with and adjacent to the optic disc. Focal impact injuries, due to projectiles, showed more extensive ocular damage. Seventeen of 30 patients regained 6/12 vision after injury. Injuries due to projectiles and temporally situated ruptures were associated with a poorer visual outcome than others. Macular damage was the commonest cause of visual loss, principally due to pigmentary maculopathy, traumatic inner retinal damage, and choroidal neovascular membranes rather than direct focal damage by the rupture.

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