Induction of the TRPM-2 gene in cells undergoing programmed death.


RNA and protein products encoded by the testosterone-repressed prostate message-2 gene (TRPM-2) are induced to high levels, coordinate with the onset of cell death, in numerous rodent models of inducible tissue damage. These models include cell death initiated by hormonal stimuli (prostate regression), pressure insult (renal atrophy after ureteral obstruction), developmental stimuli (necrosis of interdigital tissue), and cytotoxic injury (chemotherapeutic regression of a tumor). Sequence analysis of cDNA encoding TRPM-2 revealed its close homology with a product referred to as SGP-2 or clusterin expressed constitutively by Sertoli cells; however, the immunologically related polypeptides expressed in regressing tissues differ in molecular mass from the forms secreted by the testis. Although the function(s) of the products encoded by the TRPM-2 gene remains unclear, their presence provides a remarkable and early indicator of programmed cell death in many types of mammalian cells.

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