Influence of the bursa of Fabricius on the pathogenesis of Marek's disease.


A series of experiments was conducted to study the influence of embryonal bursectomy (EBX) on the early and late pathogenesis of Marek's disease (MD). The early lytic infection in the lymphoid organs normally associated with oncogenic MD virus infection in intact chickens was not seen in EBX chickens. Therefore, the damage to the immune system was minimal. EBX chickens also had lower viremia levels, higher lymphocyte responses to mitogens, and a lower or delayed MD mortality when compared with intact chickens. Furthermore, it was shown that although vaccination with SB-1 by itself did not protect against a highly virulent MD transplantable tumor, the combination of EBX and vaccination gave significant protection. All these effects could be explained by an enhanced immune response in EBX birds. In contrast, the pathogenesis of nononcogenic MD virus was not influenced by EBX. The possible mechanism(s) involved in these observed effects of EBX on MD pathogenesis are discussed.

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