Influencia da imunossupressão pela ciclosporina A sobre a carcinogenese pelo oxido de nitroquinolina em gengiva de ratas




Cyclosporin A is an imunossupressant drug selective for T Iymphocytes, used to prevent rejection of transplanted solid organs and bone marrow. Despite the significant increase in lifespam of their users, Cyclosporin A have severaI side effects, like nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, neurotoxicity, gingival overgrowth and there are reports of increase in malign neoplasms incidence. The purpose of this study was evaluate the gingival carcinogenesis in female rats treated daily with a 10 mg/kg dose of Cyclosporin A, associated to topic application of the carcinogen nitroquinoline oxide diluted to the final concentration of 0,5% in propylenoglicol in palate, three times a week, during 240 days. Rats were divided in four groups: control, without any form of treatment; Cyclosporin A, treated with this drug only, Nitroquinoline Oxide, treated only with this drug; and Cyclosporin A + Nitroquinoline Oxide, where both drugs were administered associated. The mandibles of the rats were analysed macroscopically and microscopically. Macroscopically in groups control and Cyclosporin A, no alterations were observed. In groups treated with association of Cyclosporin A and Nitroquinoline Oxide, and with Nitroquinoline Oxide alone, were observed alterations like increase in tissue roughness, areas with white lesions, ulcers. Microscopically were observed in the same groups acantosis nad hyperqueratosis, several scores of epithelial dysplasia and carcinoma. However, the imunossupression did not increase the number or severity of the lesions in the group treated with association of drugs when compared to the group treated with Nitroquinoline Oxide alone. We concluded in the present work that imunossupression did not increase carcigenesis in female rats gingiva.


imunologia cancer

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