"Influência do treinamento resistido progressivo em idosos portadores do HIV" / Influence of progressive resistance training in HIV+ elderly




This study aims to verify the influence of progressive resistance training in HIV+ elderly. Subjects were prospectively selected from the Service to the Attendance of HIV/AIDS Patients o f the HCFMUSP (Casa da AIDS). Eleven HIV+ patients of both gender and without regular physical activity were included. The program consisted of 3 series of 8-12 repetitions performed 2 times/week during 1 year. The period of resistance training did not result in any significant change on most analyzed measures of body composition such as DEXA, body mass index and circumferences, but the triceps and thigh skinfold showed significant reduction (p= 0,037). However, there were significant increases in strength (ranging from 74% - 122%; p = 0,003-0,021) for all muscular groups evaluated, which reflected positively in the results of the functional tests performed. In conclusion, resistance training increased strength in HIV+ elderly, also reducing upper and lower limbs skinfolds, therefore improving their physical fitness in both speed and strength of movements.


hiv exercise aged body composition aptidão física idoso physical fitness exercício hiv composição corporal

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