Inscuteable-independent apicobasally oriented asymmetric divisions in the Drosophila embryonic CNS


Oxford University Press


Inscuteable is the founding member of a protein complex localised to the apical cortex of Drosophila neural progenitors that controls their asymmetric division. Aspects of asymmetric divisions of all identified apicobasally oriented neural progenitors characterised to date, in both the central and peripheral nervous systems, require inscuteable. Here we examine the generality of this requirement. We show that many identified neuroblast lineages, in fact, do not require inscuteable for normal morphological development. To elucidate the requirements for apicobasal asymmetric divisions in a context where inscuteable is not essential, we focused on the MP2 > dMP2 + vMP2 division. We show that for MP2 divisions, asymmetric localisation and segregation of Numb and the specification of distinct dMP2 and vMP2 identities require bazooka but not inscuteable. We conclude that inscuteable is not required for all apicobasally oriented asymmetric divisions and that, in some cellular contexts, bazooka can mediate apicobasal asymmetric divisions without inscuteable.

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