Instabilidade econômica e reordenamento da arquitetura financeira internacional: propostas e desdobramentos




The recurrent and magnificent crises been faced in the last few years, particularly in the 1990s, have raised an important debate over the need for reordering the international financial architecture, due to the incapacity of the current capitalist institutionalized framework in compelling such crises. Thus, this paper presents the panorama of the reordering proposals been debated, having the writings of Keynes as a backdrop, which so well exposes the fundaments of the capitalist wealth. Depending upon the theoretical interpretation one may convene, these proposals may have broader or more restrict application and their unfoldings may even imply deleterious effects to diverse types of economies, especially to the developing ones.


economia relações econômicas internacionais finanças internacionais arquitetura financeira internacional instituições financeiras internacionais

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