Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica / Instituições da coisa bélica: Tradições de doutrina e jurisprudência, instituições civis e práticas letradas, guerra justa e matéria heróica




In order to read poems about Brazilian subjects in the XVIII century, this thesis crosses somewhat unsystematic sources of doctrine and officii representations implicated in the epic imitation and revealed as institutional determinations of illustrious matter. In the Iberian Catholic regiments, armed men from wealthy families and the distinguished heritage strive for family legacy in different ways, such as careers in Law and in the Arms, lands whose hinterland was occupied on behalf of His Highness and the pacts network wich are supposed to be in compliance with the Royal Family. In this sense, heroic poetry, files and registries of notes, disputationes metaphysicas, historical reports, Portuguese decadas, etc, are discursive series within obedience distribution systems, because they are documents, monuments, production of evidences and attestations according to the Law processes. The main purpose of this thesis is the European war in the occupation of all the horizons, with its reproductible models of institutional establishment on appropriations of doctrine, changes in the school curricula, in jurisprudence, in epic poetry, in pastoral poems, etc. Thus, from the principles of doctrine to the narration of exemplar cases, the verification of the Truth and all trustful private things endow with true reasons for verosimilis subject sung in the epic poems. By the means of law, jurisprudence, metaphysical principles, the institutional machinery constitutes and codifies the discorse about the "conquest of the America process" or the "history of the Portuguese domain in Brazil" that such poems and histories report. Assuming that war is everywhere, and the officii also, many different jurisdictions are reported mainly because they authorize themselves mutually. But they are cited in an incomplete manner just to indicate the branches of the senses and they try to cross them momentarily with other res, among many genera and species of things, different traditions of doctrine and the parties discussions. In the studied texts in diverse lessons, the focus in this thesis covers the matter, as res inventionis, and some mechanisms for verifying the truth of the rhetoric matter.


colonial brazilian poetry heroic matter cláudio manuel da costa e outros letrados institutions matéria heróica claudio manuel da costa epic poetry poesia épica poesia colonial brasileira instituições século xviii guerra justa holy war eighteenth century

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