Integração linguística e social de migrantes de diferentes regiões em uma nova região




This study is researching whether the forms of integration and socialization of migrants depend or not on the language in the use of linguistic variations and socio cultural aspects, referring to the sociolinguistic contribution to analyze how this integration takes place, observing the obstacle and prejudice notions. The general objective consists of analyzing the processes of social and linguistic integration based on the linguistic use and social interaction processes of the migrants. The corpus consists of narrative interviews, which proportion the argument through the data obtained. This way, emerge the differences and the assimilation of the language between the migrants and the local population. The research uses the analytical method which is analysis of the general concepts and information obtained from the interviews. The data shows that the integration difficulties occur not only because of language problems but also due to cultural and social problems. This study reveals that social interaction is realized through sociolinguistic sensibility among migrants and local inhabitants.


migração migration linguistic change sociolinguística integration linguistica mudanças linguísticas sociolinguistics social interaction integração interação social

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