Intelectuais na vida pública: Mário de Andrade e Monteiro Lobato / Intellectuals in the public life: Mário de Andrade and Monteiro Lobato
Neide Moraes de Mello
This thesis compares the action and public life os two intellectuals that played a significative roll among discussions about modernization of Brazil and projects for the country that involved them during 20s and 30s years. From the analysis of the activities of Departamento de Cultura of São Paulo citys prefecture between 1934 and 1938 headed by modernist author Mário de Andrade, and of life and works of writer and publisher Monteiro Lobato, is attempted to value their attitudes facing the inexorable modernization of an agrarian and exporter society like the brazilian one, reactive and defensive by the first of them, and of active adhesion to north-american affluent society model and to inner market by the other. It defends also that inner coherence of Lobatos proposed model fructified in public sphare, having State of Vargas assumed several of his causes like steel industry and oil, and among individuals, in so far as the "developmentist pedagogy" that elaborated, if it didn reach expressive material results, political education inlaid in it engendered a generation of the boldest and most combative militants in history of the country, by it indirectly encouraged to armed fight.
education and culture história social relações de trabalho work relationship desenvolvimento intellectuals. development educação e cultura intelectuais social history