Internal initiation drives the synthesis of Ure2 protein lacking the prion domain and affects [URE3] propagation in yeast cells


Oxford University Press


The [URE3] phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is caused by the inactive, altered (prion) form of the Ure2 protein (Ure2p), a regulator of nitrogen catabolism. Ure2p has two functional domains: an N-terminal domain necessary and sufficient for prion propagation and a C-terminal domain responsible for nitrogen regulation. We show here that the mRNA encoding Ure2p possesses an IRES (internal ribosome entry site). Internal initiation leads to the synthesis of an N-terminally truncated active form of the protein (amino acids 94–354) lacking the prion-forming domain. Expression of the truncated Ure2p form (94–354) mediated by the IRES element cures yeast cells of the [URE3] phenotype. We assume that the balance between the full-length and truncated (94–354) Ure2p forms plays an important role in yeast cell physiology and differentiation.

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