Interoperabilização de sistemas de informação : uma estratégia de coleta contínua de dados secundários para estudos de transportes




The objective of transportation is to move people or goods through a complex system composed of roads, stations and users. Deficiencies in that system are deeply felt by the public and seriously compromise the role of transportation; such deficits cause transportation problems. The need for planning projects that integrate the interests of the different actors increases according to the level of complexity of these problems. Transportation studies should be carried out to avoid, or, at least, mitigate the consequences of such problems. However, carrying out relevant studies depends on the quality and availability of transportation data. Primary and secondary data collection can be carried out separately or concurrently. Nowadays, there is a considerable amount of information and data available. A lot of this information is structured in databases, which are already being used by information systems. However, sometimes these data are inaccessible or do not meet the needs of the studies in question. Therefore, developing processes and methods that allow researchers to gather data efficiently and speedily provides a solid basis for these transportation studies. Making the data available compatible with the data needed allows it to be accessible. Moreover, this process is highly relevant to the society as a whole. This dissertation presents an interoperability methodology to integrate source information systems and users to continuously collect secondary data for transportation studies. Our methodological proposal presupposes a preliminary diagnosis of the information systems interoperability to assess the feasibility of continuously gathering secondary data for the study being considered. Taken that it is feasible to do so, we propose procedures to enable access to the sources and data, as well as how these data can be made compatible with the information needs of the transportation studies in question. In order to validate the methodology, a case study was carried out in two Brazilian highways: BR-116 and BR-101. Data from the sections of BR- 116 that cross the state of Bahia and Rio Grande do Sul and the portions of BR-101 that cover Bahia and Espírito Santo were collected. The case study analyzed the interoperability of information systems for collecting and crossing data in order to identify locations where road accidents are most likely to happen. Data from many public sources were gathered in order to support our analysis. The results of that case study showed that there are problems of access to the sources information systems as well as incompatibilities regarding the structural and semantic aspects of the data presented. In order to carry out the secondary collection of those data, interoperability between simplified information systems was carried out, which allowed for the data to be suitable for the studys information needs. These data were useful to support the analyses that identified the critical locations. The methodology presented in this dissertation proved to be a relevant tool for gathering data for transportation studies in a fast and efficient manner.


interoperabilidade estudos de transportes coleta de dados secundários planejamento de transportes engenharia civil

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