Intervenção pedagogica, via jogos Quilles e Cilada, para favorecer a construção de estruturas operatorias e noções aritmeticas em crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem
Rosely Palermo Brenelli
Twenty-four children from 8 to 11 years of age, students of elementary public schools that presented difficulties of learning participated of this survey. The main objective was to identify the influence of game-ruled activities; "Cilada" and "Quilles" i in the operatory development of the subjects and in the understanding of elementary arithmetic. For this study, the subjects were randomly distributed into two groups: experimental (N=12) and control (N=12) which were submitted to the pre and post test Tests for the diagnosis of operatory behavior and arithmetic apprenticeship were used to evaluate the performance of the subjects in these situations. These tests followed the clinical-critical rnethod created by Piaget and used in the Genetic Psychological research by this author and followers. In a two-month period, the experimental group subjects participated of ludic situations that characterized individual pedagogical intervention. The qualitative analysis of the results was based on the procedures presented by the subjects in the pre and post test situations as well as during intervention. In view of such results it is possible to say that the experimental group subjects presented clear progress, in the construction of operational notions as well as in the acquisition of arithmetic notions. The same was not observed regarding the control group subjects. The progress achieved by the experimental group subjects may be due to the fact that pedagogical intervention, by the use of games, created ? a space for thinking?. This happened because the situations created by the game challenged the subject s reasoning, which led to new procedures and, as consequence, the mechanisms of compensatory regulations that interfere in the process of "majoring balancing" responsible for the construction of mental structures that make it possible for the human being to know and learn
jogos educativos jogos em educação matematica psicopedagogia
- A solicitação do meio e a construção das estruturas operatorias em crianças com dificuldades de qprendizagem
- Combinando testes neuropsicológicos para melhorar a avaliação de dificuldades aritméticas em crianças com TDAH
- A intervenção pedagogica e o desenvolvimento do raciocinio logico : o uso de jogos e atividades especificas para a construção das estruturas logicas elementares
- Programa de intervenção para pais de crianças com dificuldades de aprendizagem: um estudo preliminar
- Jogos de regras como recurso de intervenção pedagógica na aprendizagem de crianças com Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção