Intervenções de um serviço de saúde mental direcionadas aos usuários sob tratamento pelo uso abusivo de substâncias psicoativas: das políticas e documentação à prática cotidiana / The interventions of a service of the mental health in the treatment of the users of the drugs




The treatment by service of mental health with action in the community is the present orientation of the Department of the Health on Brazil for the care of patients that abuse of the drugs. The aim of this study was to know the interventions registered in the documents that organize the actions of the service of mental health of Alegrete/RS and to observe the work of the professionals for confirm these actions in the attention of patients that abuse of the drugs. This is a qualitative study and data analysis was based on: the National Politics about Drugs; Politics of the Healths Department in Brazil for Integral attention of patients that abuse the drugs and orientation of the World Organization of the Health for prevention and control the abuse of drugs. Methodology: was utilized the documentary analysis and the participant observation (682 hours). The results was organized in four chapters: "identification and historic aspects of the service of mental health of Alegrete/RS"; "Presentation of the documents used in the research"; "Description of the interventions: the documents and the practical routine"; "Professional practices in the community: reflections about the process of social exclusion and possibilities of construction of the citizenship". Results: the actions of the service are articulated in a healthcare network; the service has flexibility for actions in partnership with social and healthcares sectors; there is a constant worry and endeavor for the qualification of the professionals. However, there is difficulty in carry out actions in the community; is lacking working in partnership with the HarmsReduction Program of the town; there are necessity more professionals actions for attend the social problems (for example, effective interventions with the objective of generate work and yield for the users). Finally, the results of this research reinforce the challenge put to the service of mental health of "it put for outside" their professional practices.


professional practice prática profissional mental health interventions drugs of abuse intervenções drogas de abuso saúde mental

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