Isolation of Conditionally Putrescine-Deficient Mutants of Escherichia coli


Mutants defective in the conversion of arginine to putrescine were found by screening clones from mutagenized cultures for inability to produce urea during growth in arginine-supplemented media. Two partially blocked mutants were isolated; one was deficient in arginine decarboxylase and the other was deficient in agmatine ureohydrolase. As predicted from the pattern of putrescine synthesis in Escherichia coli, these mutants were conditionally putrescine-deficient. When grown in either minimal or ornithine-supplemented media, conditions which lead to preferential utilization of the ornithine to putrescine pathway, the mutants had normal intracellular polyamine levels. However, when the mutants were placed in arginine-supplemented media, the level of intracellular putrescine was lowered markedly. Under conditions where intracellular putrescine was 1% of normal, the doubling time of the mutants was increased approximately 10%. The putrescine-deficient mutants had wild-type morphology, normal levels of protein and ribonucleic acid (RNA), and stringent amino acid control of RNA synthesis.

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