Joint Distribution of Insertion Elements Is4 and Is 5 in Natural Isolates of ESCHERICHIA COLI


A reference collection of natural isolates of Escherichia coli has been studied in order to determine the distribution, abundance and joint occurence of DNA insertion elements IS4 and IS5. Among these isolates, 36% were found to contain IS4 and 30% were found to contain IS5. Among strains containing IS4 the mean number of copies per strain was 4.4 ± 0.8; the comparable figure for IS5 was 3.7 ± 1.0. Although the presence of the elements among the isolates was independent, among those isolates containing both IS 4 and IS5, there was a significant negative correlation in the number of copies of the elements.—The reference collection was also studied for the presence of the DNA sequences flanking the single copy of IS4 in the chromosome of E. coli K12. Homologous sequences were found in only 26% of the isolates. The sequences flanking the IS 4 invariably occur together, and their presence is significantly correlated with the presence of IS4. In eight of the strains that carry these flanking sequences, an IS4 is located between them, and the sequences are present at the homologous position as in the K12 strain. We suggest that IS4 and its flanking sequences share a common mechanism of dissemination, such as plasmids, and we present evidence that they are included in a much larger transposable element.

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