Juizo e representação da ação moral : um estudo na perspecitva dos modelos organizadores do pensamento




This paper aims to investigate both the judgement and representation which people have of their own actions when asked to face moral contlicts. Our research is based on theories from the area of moral psychology, which seeks to broaden the understanding of the complexity involving the psychic functioning that affects people s judgement and actions, thus highlighting the role of the affective dimension in this process. According to the objectives of this study, the experimental situation proposed involves two different contexts, personal and impersonal, in order to observe precisely to what extent this change can affect the studied subject s mind organization. The data treatment is accompiished through an analysis of Organizing Models of Thought appiied by the researched individuals within the given situations. Such analysis allows us to verify how the affective aspect can significantly interfere in the individual s thought organization whenever changes in the context occur altering the judgement and representation people have of their own actions.


etica atividade condições morais conflito interpessoal

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