Learning in museums: an analysis of the school visits to the biological museum of the Butantan Institute. / Aprendizagem em museus: uma análise das visitas escolares no museu biológico do Instituto Butantan.




Supposing that the exhibitions in museums reveal a great educational potential and considering the public evaluation as fundamentals to implement educational actions in these spaces, the main objective of this research was thought, which was the investigation of how the conversations established through the interactions between fundamental II students, during visits to the Biological Museum of the Butantan Institute, may enhance the learning process. We want to emphasize that the main goal was to analyse how the learning process was established from these interactions that comprised aspects of the information and meanings interchange established during the conversations among students, as well as with this students and the educators (monitors/teachers) and the interaction with the exhibition. In our theoretical framework we adopted authors who developed studies about learning in museums and since whe focused our analisys on the learning processes through interaction, we were inspired by the presuppositions of the social-historic perspective by Vygotsky. Our methodology had a predominantly qualitative character, but we did a brief quantitative research aiming to amplify the comprehension of the figures in the learning indicators. The datas were collected through observations and filming, being the analisys based upon a set of cathegories created by Allen (2002) for the study of learning in museums. According to these results, the category of conceptual talk was the most frequent, followed by the perceptual, strategic, affective and connecting talks. We believe that the view of the animals in the museum generated stimulus that unleashed a series of questionings among students who, through inferences and generalizations might have learned the scientific/biological concepts present in the exhibition - therefore being the conceptual talk more active. Moreover, the participation of the monitors during the conversations were important for the occurence of this cathegory. We believe that the cathegories developed by Allen (2002), helped in the comprehension of how the students appropriate the knowledge disclosed in the exhibition in the Biological Museum of the Butantan Institute, revealing new study possibilities related to the learning processes established in museums.


interações educação não-formal aprendizagem students museums linha de pesquisa ensino de ciências interactions museus estudantes non-formal education learning

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