Letramento literário : leitura de contos populares na educação




This master dissertation begins of two previous works realized by the University of Caxias do Sul. The research investigated the relation between the mediators of the process of read the literary childish text and the formation of reader. In the readings, the children sought lessons moralizing and didnt see an aesthetic experience of gender. The results corroborate with indexes presented in assessment of Brazilian Education, made by the Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (SAEB) e by the Programa Internacional de Avaliação de Estudantes (PISA), these evaluations indicate deficit worrying of reading among students. Drawing on these data, this study aims to contribute to the literacy literary, through an experimental study, based on the principles of research-action, which covers the planning and execution of scripts of read storytelling popular. As support for discussion on the education, we use the theoretical assumptions of Dewey (1980), Larrosa (2002, 2003) and Freire (1982, 1996). Benjamin (1986), Coelho (1987), (1991), Darnton (1986), Zilberman (2002, 2008), Carney (1995) helped us to think about the peculiarities of literature: its emergence, characteristics and function humanizing. To discuss structural aspects of the folktale, we seek contributions of Propp (1984). Smith (2001) and Cosson (2006) to subsidize to reflect on issues relating to literacy and literacy literary. Vygotsky (1993), Feuerstein (&GOMES, 2002; GIUGNO, 2002) and Scott (2001, 2006) help in explanation that mediation. This study aims whether the use of scripts to read, deliberately planned, executed and mediated, contributes to the development of understanding and narrative competence of students. For eleven classes, students of a class belonging to the 5th year had contact with folk tales from other activities scheduled to work the specific of the gender. The results show that intentional mediation by teacher is essential for assisting the student in the meaning of literary work. Its important add that narrative competence is a process that depends largely on the experiences with reading, because the measure that subjects understand the language game, specific of the story, they qualify their the form of narrating. These notes lead the important scientific of this study, which presents mainly for elementary school teacher, proposals that can help him, in his performance in the classroom, and, in particular, the enjoyment of literature by their pupils.


educacao letramento literário mediação literatura infantil conto popular aprendizagem incentivo á leitura literatura infanto-juvenil literacy literary mediation childrens literature folktale learning reading promotion

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