Levantamento dos tipos de estruturas secretoras em folhas de asteraceae da restinga de setiba, Guarapari (ES)




Aiming to contribute with regarding data to secretory structures, it was realized a survey of these structures in leaves of ten species of Asteraceae, occurring in the restinga s vegetation of Setiba, in Guarapari, ES (Brazil). Fixed and herborized materiais deposited in the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UEC) and Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) herbaria were used for this purpose. These leaves in good state of preservation were submitted to usual treatment, stored in 70% ethylic alcohol. Afterwards, they were used to obtains diaphanous whole-mounts and transversal free-hand sections; such sections were stained with safranin and Astra blue and the slides were mounted in glycerin jelly. The medium region and margins with ornamentation were isolated from fixed leaves and were submitted to usual histological tecniques; ali materiais were dehydrated using the tertiary butyl alcohol series, embedded in paraffin and sectioned with a rotary microtome. Longitudinal and tranverse serial sections of 20 fJm were stained with safranin and Astra blue and slides were mounted in synthetic resin. The secretory structures observed in species of five genera were: ducts, idioblasts, hydathodes and trichomes . The ducts occur in Baccharis ca/vescens, B. dracuncu/ifo/ia, B. p/atypoda, B. reticu/aria, B. semiserrata (tribe Astereae). Mikania biformis, M. micrantha e Symphyopappus viscosus (tribe Eupatorieae). The idioblasts are only found in the members of the tribes Eupatorieae (Trichogonia gardnen) and Vernonieae (Vernonia fruticu/osa). The hydathodes and trichomes are present in ali the species analysed. The diagnostic and taxonomic value of the secretory structures in Asteraceae at the levei of species, genus andjor tribe can be stated from the results af this study and thase available in the literature. Thisfact independs from the kind of vegetatian were they occur


botanica - classificação compostos folhas - anatomia

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