Limiar de fadiga neuromuscular determinado por diferentes periodos de analise do sinal eletromiografico / Neuromuscular fatigue threshold established by different analysis periods of electromyography signs




The purpose of this study was to establish the Neuromuscular Fatigue Threshold - LFNM determinied by different analysis periods of electromyography sign and compare to the Critical Power - CP in healthy young men. 17 healthy men volunteers (23,4 ± 5,2 years, 73,6 ± 5,08 kg, 177,8 ± 7,0 cm) completed three or four constant loads tests on a cycling ergometer to establish LFNM (model Corival 400, Quinton Inc, USA) until exhaustion, and the pedal cadence was 60 rpm. Using an amplifier with 16 channels (MP150, Biopac Systems, Inc., USA), were collected EMG signs from Vastus Lateralis muscle from the dominant side. The LFNM were calculated by the mathematical model proposed by DeVries et al., (1982) where the LFNM was considered the y intercept of the regression line the EMG slopes from contant load tests plotted against its respective load. CP was calculated using the hyperbolic equation model. The LFNM procedure was done by each period of EMG analysis 30 seconds (T30s), one minute (T1min), two minutes (T2min) and total period (TTotal). Using LFNM established by TTotal, were verified the capacity of the volunteers to complete a 30 minutes constant load test, without neuromuscular fatigue. ANOVA found statistical differences between analysis periods. Using T30s, the mean found were 266,7 ± 23,1 W, with T1mn were 243,4 ± 16,2 W, for T2min were 232,6 ± 18,3 W, and with TTotal, the mean were 217,2 ± 23,1 W, however, for CP were found 177,9 ± 27,3 W. Were found statistical differences between T30s and all the others analysis periods, T1min, T2min and Total (p<0,01). The LFNM established by T1min were also different from TTotal (p<0,01). All the analysis periods overestimated PC (p<0,01). Were found significant correlation between only PC and TTotal (R2 = 0,72). During the 30 minutes constant load test completed, the exhaustion mean time were 661,6 ± 303,9 seconds, and only one volunteer completed all the 30 minutes. The significance level adopted for all analysis was 5%. According to the results of this study, it is possible to conclude that the analysis periods influences the determination of LFNM, and it overestimates CP and the capacity of the healthy adults to complete a 30 minutes constant load test in cycling ergometer.


limiar de fadiga neuromuscular electromyography anaerobic threshold limiar anaerobio fatigue eletromiografia neuromuscular fatigue threshold fadiga

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