Linguagem como discurso : implicações para as praticas de avaliação




ORIGIN AND OBJECTIVE: This study started with data obtained from the Nucleus of Educational Appraisal linked to the Universidade Federal e Pernambuco (Federal University of Pemambuco - NAPE/UFPE), where an institutional appraisal project is being carried out in order to appraise networks and school systems within the general context of contemporary debates on the improvement of teaching quality. The general objective of the study is to discuss underlying principies and appraising practices starting from the conception of language as discourse, and to point out possible indications and developments in order to improve the pedagogical approach to teaching the Portuguese language, the curriculum and teacher training. THEORETICAL REFERENCE: This qualitative investigation draws on a synthesis of several linguistic theories, such as enunciation, discourse, socio interaction and pragmatics. Therefore, in order to appraise data, we resorted to analytical categories as, for instance, enunciator and co-enunciator, speech acts, discursive background, social places, inter discourse, dialogism, interaction, and conditions of discourse production, among others. In the field of appraising, we adopted the perspective according to which to appraise does not mean classifying, measuring, generating scales, but interpreting data, building meanings, producing and circulating discourses. METHODOLOGY: We analyzed the results of a test applied in 1997, to the fifth grade of primary school. In order to do this, the indicative paradigm was used in the analysis, to bring out singular and episodic data that might show the students relationship with language as an object of knowledge. In the year referred to, three sets of tests were applied, so we adopted three different analysis perspectives. In the first set, attention was drawn to quantitative data, transforming them into a qualitative reading and pointing out different possibilities of interpreting numbers, indexes, and statistics; in the second set, we sought to identify some forms of representation constitution of subject students in their answers to the open question of text production. In the third one, we decided to suggest didactic sequences based on the students writings, however having in mind that appraising alfows needs and learning possibilities to be identified as welf as re/guiding the teacher s work. RESULTS/CONCLUSIONS: The results showed that texts and formulations which, in principie, might indicate an inadequate answer in relation to what had been asked in enunciating questions can be explained by the way in which the subject student has been inserted into the dynamics of the pedagogic discourse. This suggests that the process of leaming appraisal, much more than a simple quantitative verification of learning, represents a discursive process of high complexity, and therefore requires, on the part of the teacher, the mobilization of new devices for hearing interpreting as welf as for pedagogical mediation


linguistica aplicada avaliação educacional linguagem - estudo e ensino - avaliação lingua materna - estudo e ensino lingua portuguesa - estudo e ensino - avaliação

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