Linguagem e isolamento social no mal de parkinson




This research has the aim of studying the relationship between language and Parkinson s disease social isolation. Given the frequency of symptons of depression that follows this disease and the importance of the language in social relations, we examine a group of 17 patients, 9 of them being non-depressive and 8 depressive, in the age of 48 and 77 years old, with idiopathic. Parkinsonism neurological diagnosis according to Hoehn and Yahr (1967) scale and to Fahn et alii (1987) speech scale. During the clinical-laboratorial investigations, these patients have not showed any signals or any indications in their exams that suggested secondary parkinsonism (vascular, tumoral, infeccions process, traumatism etc...) as patient submittes to neurosurgical interventions of stereotaxical type. Qur patients used levodopatherapy for more than a year, showing some improvements of the symptons with medication. None of the patients used neuroleptic or (excepet Domperidona) in the last months before the avaliation. AlI the patients were examined during a period when they were submitted to levodopa. Just one patient (8) has his clinical exam difficulted of the dementia. None of them used anticolinergie drugs. The beginning of Parkinson s disease was superior to 45 in all patients. None had dementiais signals. The classification employed to analyse the patients was the Hoehn and Yarh (1967) and we found some disturbs of stages from I to V in our patients. Qur methodology was based in: Psychological avaliation of the depression based in Beck s inventary measure of depression to adults patients with neurological disturbs; exams neurolinguistic (P.rotocolo Montreà1- T oulouse; Exame de Masia, Módulo Standard Inicial, Versão Alpha - Projeto Cabral et ai, 1981); complementary linguistic proof (figure of Boston, oral reading and text interpretation - repetition of a tist of words and the temporal logical sequencialization of action figures); audiometric exam and vocal discrimination. The finds objectives of this research are: 1. To characterize the speech and writing disturbs in a group of Parkinsonian. 2. To verif.y if the difficulties of speech and/or writing activity in Parkinson s disease leads the patient to social isolation. 4. To avaluate if hearing loss associated with interactive language process interferes with speech activities. 5. Analyse the language conception adopted in this research allows us to conclude that the speech disturbs are characterized by the production difficulty wich can lead in its moderated forms and severe to comprehension difIículty. The speech difIículty appears as an important signal in isolation, being the question of self-image its greatest cause. As the strategy of language in non depressive parkinsonians is important, we infer that the language plays a mediator role between different states of depression in parkinsonians.


doença de isolamento social depressão mental parkinson disturbios da fala

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