Linkage maps and QTL mapping in the yellow passion-fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.) / Mapas de ligação e mapeamento de QTL ("Quantitative Trait Loci") em maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Deg.)
Michel Choairy de Moraes
Although the yellow passion-fruit plays an important commercial role in Brazil, breeding and genetics studies are insipient. The present study was conducted aiming the construction of linkage maps and mapping of QTL for traits related to yield and fruit quality. It was used a population, composed of 160 individuals, derived from a cross from two plants of the IAPAR-06 and IAPAR-123 accessions. Since this is an allogamous species, the pseudo testcross mapping strategy was used for the construction of two linkage maps, one for each parent, using AFLP markers segregating in 1:1 and 3:1 configuration. The IAPAR-06 map was composed of 10 linkage groups, while in IAPAR-123 map, nine linkage groups were obtained. The bi-parental loci were located as accessory markers and served to establish the homology between the groups of each parent. Eight linkage groups were aligned using these markers. For the phenotypic evaluation, 100 individuals were evaluated in the field, during the first harvest of the culture, for various traits, including: growth increment, total yield, total number of fruits, average fruit weight, average fruit length, average fruit width, percentage of pulp, soluble solids content and fruit shape. The results of the phenotypic data indicated that the population had a wide genetic variance for all the traits, with the exception of growth increment, presenting broad-sense heritability varying from 52.6% to 83.0%. The analysis of QTL, using the composite interval method, has mapped various regions associated with the traits evaluated in both maps. It was mapped QTL for all the traits that exhibited genetic variation. The proportion of the phenotypic variation explained by the QTL identified ranged from 4.6 to 21.8%.
molecular marker plant breeding yellow passion-fruit marcador molecular melhoramento genético vegetal mapeamento genético maracujá-amarelo genetic mapping
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