Localization of Structural and Regulatory Genes for Phosphodiesterase in Wheat (TRITICUM AESTIVUM)


Genes (Pde-A3; Pde-B3; Pde-D3) for phosphodiesterase (PDE; E.C. isoenzymes in hexaploid wheat were located on the three homoeologous chromosomes of group 3 by testing the electrophoretic banding pattern of monosomic, nullisomic and nullisomic/tetrasomic compensation lines of "Chinese Spring" variety. In plants nullisomic for chromosome 5B, the 3D structural gene is not expressed and this lack of expression can be overcome by four doses of either homoeologous chromosome 5A or 5D. Our data conclusively indicate that there are genes on group 5 chromosomes which positively control the expression of the 3D structural gene. In addition, the expression of the "regulatory genes" is dosage dependent. Thus, our study reveals a complex interaction of the three genomes of wheat for regulation of PDE gene expression.

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