Manutenção de uma faixa de eucaliptos para proteção da borda de um fragmento florestal / Eucalyptus zone maintenance to protect a border of forestal fragment.




Eucalyptus zone maintenance to protect a border of forestal fragment. Nowadays, one of the biggest challenge found is the balance between the non tropical actions and the environment, this is called "sustentability". This work had as an objective values the influence of maintenance, during the forestal exploration of three lines of eucalyptus around one forestal fragment, as protection against the effects of current border of silviculture activities. To value the effect of protector border was analyzed a micro climate alterations, soil compactness, mechanic damages to the native plants and dynamic to the vegetal community in regeneration. For this was compared two treatments: in treatment one was maintained three lines of eucalyptus in all border of the forest in an extension of 300m, when the shallow occasion cut of the eucalyptus and the treatment two consisted in a control, which the lines of eucalyptus were not maintained, that is, it was effectuated the shallow cut until the board of the fragment like it is usually done. Both treatments were applied in the same side of the exposition of the same fragment. For each fragment was installed three transects perpendicular to the board of the fragment, extended for 30m to the inner of the one and thirty meters to the planting of eucalyptus. In seven points of each transect were collected air temperature data, relative air humidity, luminosity and speed of wind. The external points were thirty, twenty and ten meters of the fragment board entering the area of the eucalyptus, one intermediate point located in the exact limit among the commercial area and the fragment and the other points in ten, twenty and thirty meters to the inner of the fragment. The data was collected during the morning, middle of the day and afternoon, in a total of 126 measurement, being three in each point and nine samples for distance for each treatment. The soil density was verified in the same distances in which were valued the indirect damages. Both treatments were observed all damages caused by silviculture and harvest operations during all the sixty hundreds which the two treatments were applied. The micro climate modifications passed by the total eucalyptus remote were classified as indirect damages. The destruction of native plants during the eucalyptus exploration and soil compactness were considered direct damages. It was also evaluated the differences in the vegetal community in the fragment board with and without the eucalyptus board to verify possible benefits of the protector board over the plants in regeneration. For this, it was installed ten parcels for treatment. It was verified that the maintenance of the eucalyptus line was considerably reduced the board effects, specially the mechanic damages to the forest. The native vegetal community in regeneration during the board of the fragment is more abundant and diversified when the three eucalyptus lines were maintained. The micro climate modification after the forest exploration, in general, is more intensive without the maintenance of the protector board.


bordder effect proteção florestal. environment. meio ambiente impactos ambientais manejo florestal fragments florest management eucalipto

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