Masculino e feminino num estrato cultural brasileiro : mandatos de genero e expressões simbolicas arquetipicas




This thesis is based on a qualitative research on gender, having the study of masculine and feminine identity as the central issue, under the Analytical Psychology frame of reference. The general objective consisted in investigating the psychological expressions of men and women living in the city of Campinas and surroundings, trying to detect gender mandates and archetypal symbolic expressions. The main specific objective was to investigate what could be essential (archetypal) and/or relational concerning the atribution of masculine and feminine. The sample was constituted of twelve adult men and twelve adult women, with different education levels. The data procedure consisted of the fol1wing steps: biodemografhic informations, semi-directed interview, gender questionnaire and QMPA questionnaire (the last one is an inventory of questions about mental and emotional diseases developed in Brazil by Santana, 1982). We used the technique of Active Imagination, preceded by the Jacobson rnethod of relaxation, for the investigation of psychic images. The results showed that the old culture exerts a powerfull influency over the gender identities formation, having the heterogenity as the dominant tendency. The prevalent contents were directly linked to the personal psychic dynamics of the subjects, which apparently carne from the personal unconscious through recording memories, sometimes accessing the archetypal image, with the emotional intensity and numinous character that coloured the experience. In relation to what we named essential we observed that the manifested images could work as a way to access transcendency, more than to define and demarcate the masculine and feminine attributes. In spite of women have dernonstrated more accessibility to the world of imagination and fantasy, men manifested more contents which suggested the theme of transcendency, coming from day-to-day images in direction to the archetypal field. With the exception of this last aspect we could not find essential diversities related to gender diferences property speaking. Finally we considered that the diferences atributed to each sex, are being produced by the culture many centuries ago and already became traditional components of the gender manifestations.


identidade arquetipo (psicologia)

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