Mathematics Education and the software Cabri: a research-action with students from 7th grade of Elementary School / A Educação Matemática e o software Cabri: uma pesquisa-ação com alunos de 7 série do ensino fundamental




The present work is a research about the influence of the software Cabri-Géomètre in Geometry teaching. It has as goal to verify if Cabri-Géomètre collaborates with the learning of geometric concepts in Ensino Fundamental. The adopted methodology was of qualitative nature of the kind research-action of Phenomenologic approach. The research was accomplished in the State School Colonel Francisco Whitacker, in Anhumas SP, it was developed in 13 sessions of 50 minutes and it had as participants 27 students from 7th grade, all them with ages among 13 and 14 years. About the theoretical foundation we punctuated some ideas that were taken as categories of analysis: a) explore what the student have already known collaborating the significative learning; b) aspects that difficults or makes impossible the learning; c) the importance of the didactic contract which establishes teacher and students reciprocal obligations; d) use the computer as tool to help on the learning; e) allow the student to discover and construct his own ideas, giving emphasis to the concrete knowledge according to the construcionist approach; f) work the sequence of five levels of the model Van Hiele: visualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction and inflexibility. As result, we verify that the software brings contributions to the learning because it helps to establish na inviting didactic contract for good terms in classroom, allows the exploration of previous knowledge, it is na environment that helps the hypothesis be formulated and testified and it also can be used in a construcionist environment.


software action research in education educaÇÃo concepts formation pesquisa - ação em educação cabri-géomètre formação de conceitos cabri-géomètre

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