Medicina paliativa e análise de discurso crítica : identidade, ideologia e poder




This thesis results from a research study based upon Critical Discourse Analysis (ADC) that sought to investigate identitary representations in palliative or terminal diseases at a public health unit in Brasilia, the Federal District. In order to conduct this research, ethnographic methods were applied in order to generate and collect data. The methods selected were: participant observation, field notes and semi-structured interviews. The data were selected and generated at the Support Hospital (Hospital de Apoio), specifically at the A wing. It was started in December, 2006 and took a year and a half. This research is justified as an occasion in linguistics to investigate a relatively recurrent theme in current identity studies. In this study, I focused on terminally ill patients, those with approximately six to two months. This theme was examined according to social theory representations. The results of this study cast light on linguistic mechanisms that involve social issues such as the abandonment of terminal diseases. The studys main contribution is to demonstrate the instrumentalization of theoretical models in order to reveal how the articulation between lexical choices, thematic structures, arrangement of actors and roles among other elements are aligned to construct excluded identities or resistance such as the abandonment of terminal diseases. Its main contribution is to show the in social reason able to combat or favor issues of resignation, discrimination and prejudice. In doing this, this thesis tests the applicability of theoretical and methodological triangulation for studies in Linguistics. The research results point to the power struggle and resistances inherent to the entire interactive process in conflict. There are numerous contradictions that both pervade team representations as well as patients. Nevertheless, through analyses it was possible to perceive the occurrence of movements that mark power changes and minimization of asymmetries in such crystallized relations. Relations criss-crossed by domination (such as doctor-patient cases) that need to be well observed in order not to fall into judgment traps that enslave pre-fabricated models, thus disconsidering the dynamic of change.


poder linguistica discurso ideologia identidade

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