Memoria I : um estudo teorico clinico utilizando trechos da narrativa autobiografica de velhos




This is the first of the two sections from a qualitative theoretical - clinical study about memory, which overall purpose is a psychosomatic comprehension of human memory and its alterations. Conceptually, memory is considered under a phyllogenetical evolutional view. Memory I searches an actualization in the neurophysiologic cognitive knowledge about memory. The main attention is on the old age. Its attempts to show how the teoretical topics appear in the clinical pratice. Being the memory of old people intimately associated to involutional old age dementias, this study has two basic reasons: first, there are a lot of theoretical divergences concerning the experimental laboratorial and clinical discoveries of these psychoneuropathologies and the progressive memory loss is the principal point of the stability and the theoretical - clinical agreement; second, being the involutional dementias age-dependent nosological entities and, considering that the progressive aging af the world population has been enphasized since the fifth decade, the increase of the incidence and the prevalence rates of these dementias has become a factor of amazing proportions; even an "epidemic dementia" could be expected in 2.000. The study of memory can be a basis for future studies about the direct therapeutic aplication on mnemonics wastes, concerning the sane and the insane old people. This work itself is subdivided into five chapters. The first one presents a history of memory that introduces complements to the main parts of the theme, which appears at the end of the last century. The second chapter is about the cognitive part at the study. The neuroanathomophysiological aspects associated to memory are examined in the third chapter, stablishing connections with cognitive descriptions. The fourth chapter attemps to a qualitative ilustration of the theoretical topics showing passages of autobiographical narratives of ten people who are about sixty-five years old, with some degrees of memory alterations. The last chapter presents the final considerations and the conclusions of theoretical - clinical junctions. The practical points that transcended the theoretical basis shown, are also presented, to introduce the reader to Memory II


alzheimer neuropsicologia ciencia cognitiva memoria - aspectos psicossomaticos doença de

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