Metabolic function in Drosophila melanogaster in response to hypoxia and pure oxygen


Company of Biologists


This study examined the metabolic response of Drosophila melanogaster exposed to O2 concentrations ranging from 0 to 21% and at 100%. The metabolic rate of flies exposed to graded hypoxia remained nearly constant as O2 tensions were reduced from normoxia to ∼3 kPa. There was a rapid, approximately linear reduction in fly metabolic rate at PO2s between 3 and 0.5 kPa. The reduction in metabolic rate was especially pronounced at PO2 levels <0.5 kPa, and at a PO2 of 0.1 kPa fly metabolic rate was reduced ∼10-fold relative to normoxic levels. The metabolic rate of flies exposed to anoxia and then returned to normoxia recovered to pre-anoxic levels within 30 min with no apparent payment of a hypoxia-induced oxygen debt. Flies tolerated exposure to hypoxia and/or anoxia for 40 min with nearly 100% survival. Fly mortality increased rapidly after 2 h of anoxia and >16 h exposure was uniformly lethal. Flies exposed to pure O2 for 24 h showed no apparent alteration of metabolic rate, even though such O2 tensions should damage respiratory enzymes critical to mitochondria function. Within a few hours the metabolic rate of flies recovering from exposure to repeated short bouts of anoxia was the same as flies exposed to a single anoxia exposure.

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