Metapoesia nos epigramas de Marcial : tradução e analise




Many of approximately 1550 epigrams written by Marcus Valerius Martialis (A.D. c.38-41d - A.D. c.101-102), Latin epigrammatist poet born in Bilbilis, in Hispania Tarraconensis, have as its subject matter the very art of making epigrams, along with other poetic-literary features, such as all of the principal characteristics of the epigrammatic genre, as well as the "minor" aspects of the genre in terms of the traditional Greek-Latin poetry, such as the censure to the literary works of other authors, the conditions of production and transmission of the epigrammatic poetry in Imperial Rome, the problem of plagiarism, the low financial compensation of the poet?s activity, etc. Hear, we intend to identify, translate and analyze, in the fifteen books that compose the work of Martial, all the epigrams that deal with the topics above, describing the way the author treats in his poetry the very features of his own art (metapoetry)


epigramas metalinguagem poesia latina literatura classica

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