MHC class I gene expression is negatively regulated by the proto-oncogene, c-jun.


The trans-acting factor AP-1 is a heterodimeric complex composed of c-Jun and c-Fos family proteins which bind and regulate genes containing a TPA responsive enhancer element. Although AP-1 binding sites have been identified within the regulatory region of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I genes in vitro, the role of AP-1 in regulating MHC class I transcription in vivo has not been investigated previously. The present study demonstrates that expression of c-Jun results in decreased MHC class I promoter activity as determined in cotransfection assays of an MHC class I reporter construct with a c-Jun expression construct. The c-Jun responsive element is located between bp -440 and -431 upstream of initiation of transcription as determined both functionally and by direct binding of purified c-Jun. Furthermore, over-expression of c-Jun reduced the steady state levels of endogenous MHC class I RNA in murine L cells by approximately 10-fold. These data indicate that c-Jun/AP-1 acts as a negative trans-acting factor that down-regulates MHC class I gene expression.

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