Microbial species associated with dental caries found in saliva and in situ after use of self-ligating and conventional brackets
BERGAMO, Ana Zilda Nazar
J. Appl. Oral Sci.
Abstract Objectives Enamel demineralization is among the main topics of interest in the orthodontic field. Self-ligating brackets have been regarded as advantageous in this aspect. The aim of this study was to evaluate the break homeostasis in the oral environment and the levels of microorganisms associated with dental caries among the different types of brackets. Material and Methods Twenty patients received two self-ligating brackets: In-Ovation®R, SmartClipTM, and one conventional GeminiTM. Saliva was collected before bonding (S0), 30 (S1) and 60 (S2) days after bonding. One sample of each bracket was removed at 30 and 60 days for the in situ analysis. Checkerboard DNA-DNA Hybridization was employed to evaluate the levels of microbial species as-sociated with dental caries. Data were evaluated by nonparametric Friedman and Wilcoxon tests at 5% significance level. Results The salivary levels of L. casei (p=0.033), S. sobrinus (p=0.011), and S. sanguinis (p=0.004) increased in S1. The in situ analyses showed alteration in S. mutans (p=0.047), whose highest levels were observed to the In-Ovation®R. Conclusions The orthodontic appliances break the salivary homeostasis of microorganisms involved in dental caries. The contamination pattern was different between self-ligating and conventional brackets. The In-Ovation®R presented worse performance considering the levels of cariogenic bacterial species.
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