Microtexto : uma ferramenta de zoom contínuo de auxílio a leitura eletrônica




The amount of text that we are required to read in the present days is very large. One of the reasons for a poor performance of electronic text systems may result from the fact that users avoid reading the whole text and make decisions mostly based on their headings (Fox, 1992). This work proposes the use of a continuous zooming interface attached with a natural language processing system. Aiming to minimize this problem, a computer program capable of analyzing texts written in the most varied natural languages was developed. The computer program permits the user to construct his/her own natural language grammar rules. A second grammar is implemented, this one is for zooming rules. The zooming grammar is used to decide which text element, or text construction, will be visible in which zooming level.


engenharia de software - dissertaÇÕes sistemas de informacao

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