Microtomografia com Raio X e processamento de imagem na obtenção da porosidade do concreto / X Ray microtomography and image processing to obtain the concrete porosity


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The main goal of this research was to use non-destructive methods (ND), like the X Ray microtomography and techniques to acquire and process images, to obtain the concrete porosity. There were presented two methods. In one of the methods the images were acquired through X Ray microtomography and in the other method there were used the commercial scanner to acquire the images. Those images were processed using techniques of pixel processing and mathematical morphology. The results to the porosity were compared with the result obtained through the method proposed by NBR 9778 (2005) (Absorção de água, índice de vazios e massa específica em argamassa e concreto endurecido). The microtomographed images of the concrete samples were obtained using a Skyskan 1172 system with 256 gray levels, adjusted in contrast, binarized and filtered. In the other method there were used a commercial scanner with 2400 dpi of resolution to acquire the images, being also used techniques of pixel processing and mathematical morphology to process them. The results have shown compatibility between the two presented methods and the method presented by NBR 9778 (2005). It was observed that the results obtained by microtomography were more reliable, but the method using the scanner is presented as an acceptable method for their results and especially for its low cost and ease of operation.


concreto porosidade microtomografia raio x processamento de imagens escâner estruturas concrete porosity microtomography x ray image processing scanner

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