Modelagem e anÃlise de especificaÃÃes de sistemas de tempo-real crÃticos com restriÃÃes de energia




Requirements analysis is a critical task in any Embedded Real-Time System (ERTS) project. Normally, these systems have stringent timing constraints that must be satisÂed for the correct functioning, since violation might be catastrophic, such as loss of human lives or large amount of Ânancial resources. In addition, there are systems where energy is another constraint that must also be satisÂed. Hence, early detection of potential problems may reduce risks of fault propagations from early speciÂcation to the Ânal code. It is important to highlight that the cost of detection of an error after the product s releasing would cost 10-100 times more to Âx than if it were found in the design phase of the system. Nowadays, the most widely used way to specify critical system requirements is through semiformal language, such as SysML (System Modelling Language) or UML (UniÂed Modeling Language), chieÂy due to their friendly and intuitive notations. However, the semiformal models generated by these languages, in themselves do not provide support for performance evaluation of the system speciÂcations, thus, it is necessary the mapping of these semiformal models into formal models. Because formal models are supported by sound mathematic foundations that uphold their precise semantics, foster performance evaluation and provide support to qualitative property veriÂcation and analysis. These models, however, quite often are not intuitive and may require considerable designer s eÂort to Âgure out the respective representation. Hence, it is wise adopting a collaborative use of both semi-formal and formal models. Therefore, in order to obtain the integration of formal and semiformal models, this work proposes the mapping of SysML behavioral diagrams into a Time Petri Net. The time constraints and energy annotations are represented by the new proÂle of UML MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of real-time and Embedded systems). Furthermore, a performance evaluation methodology of the critical system speciÂcations is proposed, with the goal of helping the process of modeling and evaluation. Lastly, case studies are presented showing the applicability of this work


avaliaÃÃo de desempenho ciencia da computacao redes de petri â modelagem de sistemas consumo de energia performance evaluation, energy consumption, modeling, time petri net, embedded systems, requirements analysis, sysml

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