Modelagem matematica e simulação dinamica de trocadores de calor de placas para o resfriamento de sucos de laranja natural e concentrado




The plate heat exchangers are widely used in the food industry for many processes that involve thermal treatments such as pasteurization, sterilization, cooling and heating of fluids. The prediction of the outlet fluid temperature transient behavior as a function of the of the operational conditions for a thermal treatment in heat exchangers, has fundamental importance in the obtainrnent of good quality products, with a adequate shelf life. The present work consisted of the mathematical modeling and dynamic simulation of the cooling process of the Newtotoniano fluid - natural orange juice, and the non-Newtonian fluid - concentrate orange juice, in a plate heat exchanger. The dynamic simulation has the purpose of predicting the cooling process reaction curves, represented by the temperature behavior with time, under several disturbances in the operational conditions. The modeling used in this simulation was an adaptation of several models already proposed in the literature and the code was accomplished in the program Mat-Lab. In the proposed experimental design, disturbances were made in the following variables: orange juices and remgerants mass fow rates, inlet tluid temperatures and orange juice soluble solid contents. Through the simulations obtained, it was possible to analyze the effects of these variables in the outlet orange juice temperature. The process reactions curves obtained, which are a new subsidy in tuning and controlling works, showed that changes in the fluid characteristics, in flows configurations, in the kind of plates and in the initial operational conditions affect directly the fluid outlet temperature and the dynamics of the cooling process. process


modelagem suco de laranja resfriamento

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