Modulação da expressão genica e de proteinas envolvidas no mecanismo de secreção de insulina em ilhotas pancreaticas de ratos submetidos a restrição proteica




The biosynthesis and insulin secretion by pancreatic B cells are regulated by hlUllOral tàctors. nervous stimulus and intercellular interactions. Nutritional alterations during fetal and early postnatal periods. induced by either low protein or caloric restriction diets. have been related to changes in the structure and function of pancreas. ln this smdy. using cDNA array technique. we evaluated the panern 01 gene expression in pancreatic islets tTorn rats fed an isocaloric low (6%. LP) and normal (17%. NP) protein diet. after weaning. Our results show 32 genes ""ith altered expression. and the majority of them encode for proteins related to biosynthesis/insulin secretion and cellular remodeling. By RT-PCR and Westem blot. we evaluated the gene expression 01 proteins related to insulin secretion. and we also observed reduction in GLliT-2. PK.I and PKC expression in LP compared to NP islets. These alterations were accompanied by a signiticant reduction in insulin secretion in response to different nutrients. The islets tTom LP rats showed a reduction in the total insulin content associated with decreased insulin mRNA. ln addition. components involved in insulin signaling systems such as IR and lRS-1 were also altered in LP islets. T aken together. these results indicate that low protein diet. after weaning. induce alteration in gene expression. including protein belonging to insulin secretion process in pancreatic islets. which could explain partially the impaired insulin secretion in response to different insulinotropic agents. observed in this experimental rnodeL


desnutrição insulina

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