Molecular and biological characterization of a begomovirus isolated from tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. in the state of Goiás and its interaction with the vector Bemisia argentifolii Bellows &Perring / Caracterização molecular e biológica de um begomovírus isolado de tomateiro, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., no estado de Goiás e sua interação com o vetor Bemisia argentifolii Bellows &Perring




The whitefly-transmitted viruses from the family Geminiviridae, genus Begomovirus, have been reported as an economically important pathogen group that affect important crops in tropical and subtropical countries. Since the beginning of the 1980 decade, the occurrence of the whitefly associated to Begomovirus infection has drastically increased worldwide. In Brazil, these pathogens have been responsable for severe economical losses in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) orchards and the production has hampered since 1994. In this work, infected tomato plants showing symptoms, such as mosaic, intervein clearing, leaf curling and growth reduction were collected in tomato orchards in Anápolis, State of Goiás. The virus was identified as a member of the genus Begomovirus by PCR reaction, using specific primers to amplify fragments of A and B components of the virus DNA genome. The Chapter I of this thesis presents the results of the molecular characterization of the virus and the Chapter II shows the determination of its host range and the relationship with its natural vector Bemisia argentifolii. The virus isolate denoted GO-ANPL was cloned and partially sequenced. Part of the sequenced genome (2.180 nucleotides long) corresponded to the coat protein and Rep genes and comprised the entire intergenic region. Sequence comparison revealed that the GO-ANPL isolate is distantly related to the begomoviruses found in Asia, Europe and Africa, and it is related to other begomoviruses reported in Brazil. The virus isolate showed to be more closely related to viruses found in the State of Minas Gerais (TRMV isolate) and in the Federal District (isolate DF-Br2). The highest homology was observed with the isolate DF-Br2 and it may represent a new specie of the genus Begomovirus. In order to determine the virus host range, 46 plant species from nine different botanical families were mechanically and using the virus vector inoculated. The GO-ANPL isolate preferentially infected plants of the family Solanaceae as Nicotiana benthamiana, Datura stramonium and Nicandra physalodes. The number of infected plants was higher when they were inoculated by the virus vector, and the results were distinct from those obtained for other begomoviruses reported in Brazil. Viruses infections were all confirmed by dot blot hybridization using specific molecular probes to the virus. 4 To study virus/vector interaction, the acquisition access period (AAP), inoculation access period (IAP), and the latent period were determined transfering five whiteflies per plant and using tomato cv. Santa Clara as the host. For the AAP and IAP, nine different time periods were tested: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 and 24 h. The minimal AAP determined was 0.25 h, after which, 6% of the tested plants became infected. The number of infected plants increased to 65% with an AAP of24h.Afteran IAP of 0.5 h, 18% of the plants were infected and their number increased to 67% after an IAP of 24 hours. The latent period was considered to be 16 h, after which, 3% of the inoculated plants became infected. The results of AAP, IAP and latent period seem to indicate an early interaction between virus and vector starting at early stages of vector development. The presence of the GOANPL was determined in all stages of the vector (eggs, 1st to 4th instar and adults) in infected plants, in adults under different AAPs, in the progenies of viruliferous females, and in adults originated from nymphs developed from infected plants. More than 2.500 insects were tested by PCR to detect the GO-ANPL isolate. The virus was detected in nymphs from the 1st to 4th instar that had fed in infected plants and no virus was found in eggs from aviruliferous female that had been laid in infected plants. Transmission to the progenies was observed, since the virus was detected in all stages of insect development from eggs to adults. High level transmission was also observed in newly emerged adults that had acess to virus-infected plants as immatures. This fact, in addition to the transmission to the progenies, suggests that virus retention is an important part of virus/vector interaction. No transmission was observed from adults originated from viruliferous females. However, 33% of virus transmission was obtained when adults that retained virus from their early larval stages were employed


organização genômica de begomovirus phylogenetic tree of begomovirus the inoculation access period geminiviridae mosca branca transmission by vectors molecular probes fitopatologia Árvore filogenética de begomovirus interação vírus vetor bemisia tabaci bemisia tabaci dot blot hybridization geminiviridae virus vector interactions sondas moleculares sequencing of begomovirus sequenciamento de begomovirus begomovirus genome organization hospedeiros de begomovirus pcr transmissão por vetores pcr período acesso de inoculação dot-blot whitefly the acquisition access period período acesso de aquisição hosts of begomovirus

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