Molecular Epidemiology of Two Consecutive Outbreaks of Parainfluenza 3 in a Bone Marrow Transplant Unit


American Society for Microbiology


Two consecutive nosocomial outbreaks of parainfluenza 3, in which 5 of 15 infected patients died, occurred in an adult bone marrow transplant unit. Parainfluenza 3 strain variation was assessed by reverse transcription-PCR sequencing of part of the parainfluenza 3 F gene, including the noncoding region, directly from clinical samples. Sequence data from the outbreaks were compared with those from 15 other parainfluenza 3 isolates circulating concurrently in the community; altogether, 13 strains which fell into three lineages were identified. Four immunosuppressed patients shed virus persistently for between 1 and 4 months without change in sequence. The first outbreak lasted 4 months and involved three parainfluenza 3 strains, and one persistently infected patient was implicated as the source of infection for three others. The second outbreak lasted for 1 month but involved only one strain. These data indicate that introduction of community parainfluenza 3 strains to the bone marrow transplant unit was followed by person-to-person transmission within the unit rather than reintroduction of virus from the community.

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