Monitoramento de Calidris pusilla (Linaeus, 1758) (Aves: Scolopacidae) na Salina Diamante Branco, Galinhos, RN




Calidris pusilla is a small neartic sandpiper with black beak and feathers, and it uses the Brazilian coast during its migration. The captures of C. pusilla were held in the Diamante Branco Saline, Galinhos, Brazil (05Â05â26ââS e 36Â16â31ââW), in April 2000, 2001 e 2003, period in which the species returns to the reproductive sites. In order to contribute to a better knowledge on the species biology, the objective of the present study was to analyze the relationship between body mass, moult and plumage. During the three year period a total of 727 individuals were captured. The results on the relationship body mass/plumage indicated a higher percentage of individuals with intermediate plumage (46.29%, n=212) with 29.7g (σ=4.11) of mean weight, followed by individuals with reproductive plumage (44.10%, n=202) with 32.2g (σ=3.77) of mean weight, and the ones with non-breeding plumage (9,60%, n=44) with 25.1g (σ=3,65) of mean weight. The contour moults (head, back and belly) were the most evident ones throughout the three years. The individual with the lowest body mass (17g) had non-breeding plumage, while the heaviest one (44g) had reproductive plumage, both on April 18th 2000. The humid areas in the Diamante Branco Saline constitute neoecosystems which are favorable to wadersâ species as forage areas because of its trophic resources such as Artemia franciscana. These resources are necessary to weight gain, plumage change which are fundamental to their flight back to its reproductive areas.


migraÃÃo - aves zoologia waders maÃarico sandpiper migration aves - scolopacidae feeding

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